Sunday, July 4, 2010

AT&T National a great logistical success

I can’t say enough good things about the AT&T National, played at Aronimink in Delaware County this week, to really get the point across about how great an event this was. But maybe a few observations will give the readers some idea.
First of all, the presence of Tiger Woods meant this event would be a success. Tiger draws fans and viewers like no other player I have ever seen, including the greatest player ever, Jack Nicklaus.
The logistics that go into this are vast and complicated. Somebody had to arrange the parking, shuttle busses, traffic control, courtesy cars, police presence, and other security.
Someone had to arrange for all of the concession stands, including proper locations on and off the course, bringing the products in, arranging for workers or volunteers to man the stores, trash disposal, and accounting.
A new development in fan comfort, and doubtlessly income generation, were the grandstands around some holes, which had ordinary seating down below, and luxury boxes up above. These structures looked so good they appeared to be permanent, but, of course, they are not. They will be taken down, transported, and erected at some tour stop later on the calendar.
All of the marshals had to be recruited, signed up, outfitted, instructed, and scheduled. Near the main entrance to the tournament, there is a huge banner, probably 40 feet high by 10 feet wide, which acknowledges the many volunteers by name.
All of the cables for TV had to be planned, laid out, and connected. The broadcast towers had to be erected, and the TV equipment had to be brought in, set up, and tested. The MetLife blimp had to be scheduled, manned, and brought here.
I’m sure this only scratches the surface of the many details that go into a national event like this, but maybe it give you some idea of how complicated it is.
Props to PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem and his staff for doing such a good job running the show.

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